BLOG TOUR "The Santiago Sisters" Victoria Fox

They should have stayed as one. They
couldn’t survive apart.
It was fate, forever destined to come
to this: from birth to death, two halves of the same whole.
Twins Calida and Teresita Santiago have never
known a world without each other…until Teresita is wrenched from their
Argentinian home to be adopted by world-famous actress Simone Geddes.
Now, while Teresita is provided with all that
money can buy, Calida must fight her way to the top – her only chance of
reuniting with her twin.
But no one can predict
the explosive events which will finally bring the Santiago sisters into the
spotlight together…
This is a melodrama of a read! Bursting with scandal, deception and sex this racy novel is full of rivalling sisters, two very different mothers who both believe they are doing the best for their children and a world of fame, fortune and money - lots of money!
The story starts on a ranch in Patagonia where we first meet the twins Calida and Terisita. Calida is introverted and satisfied with her simple, out door life amongst the horses, whereas Terisita dreams of a world of fame and fortune.
Meanwhile, world-famous actress Simone Geddes suddenly falls in love with the idea of adopting a child - mainly because it would be a great PR boost. She is such a monstrous character and her conversations with her long suffering assistant about how to go about adopting are incredulous.
"Where do you get them from?.....The Internet? .....Are they in a catalogue or something?"
Her motivation is wholly selfish and establishes just how self involved she is. Her imagination runs away with the idea of "plucking a child from poverty to riches....from nothing to having it all....What little girl wouldn't want that?" Indeed! It's the Cinderella happy ending Terisita has fantasised about. So it seems like fate when a wrong turn on a dirt track takes Simone to the Santiago ranch where she is immediately captivated by the beauty of Terisita and conspires with their mother Julia, struggling since the death of her husband, to whist her away to a new life. Terisita leaves thinking it is only for a short holiday, and the abhorrent Simone then ensures that contact between the family is severed by lying to both twins and sowing the dangerous seeds of hatred between them.
The story then continues to explore this unique bond between the sisters as their lives continue so differently. Their love for each other is now replaced by hatred and each is set on revenge. The novel hurtles along until the storyline reaches a dramatic climax. Fox writes convincingly about the world of fame and fortune that Terisita is suddenly thrown into and shows that such an opportunity to be special and different can in fact become a treacherous path of betrayal and manipulation, cruelty and lies. Simone reveals herself to be selfish with a real sense of entitlement just because of her excessive wealth. She thinks she can be protected by her wealth and fame...........But can the bonds between twin sisters really ever be broken?
Simone's character is larger than life. I would enjoy watching this film on the big screen! There is quite a lot of explicit and graphic sex scenes in this book - Fox does refer to herself as a huge fan of Jackie Collins and started writing out of curiosity about what it might be like to write her own "bonkbuster"! It's also all part of the hedonistic kind of lifestyle of the rich and famous. Although I did find the story a little predictable in places, it was an easy, undemanding read and would be well placed in your suitcase this summer! It is a vivid story with characters that the reader will love to love and love to hate! A good romantic drama and a must read for any Jackie Collins' fans!
My thanks to Mira Uk for the advanced copy in return for an honest review and also for allowing me to participate in the Blog Tour!
Victoria Fox divides her time between
Bristol and London.
She used to work in publishing and is
now the author of 6 novels.
@Mira_BooksUK @VFoxWrites #TheSantiagoSisters
@Mira_BooksUK @VFoxWrites #TheSantiagoSisters

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